Nut Job vs Toppik vs Caboki
What is the difference between Nut Job, Toppik, Caboki and the others?
We are often asked what is the main difference between Nut Job™ and other brands. First let's debunk one popular but incorrect belief. Hair fibres that claim to contain "keratin protein" supposedly the same natural protein as your hair", are either a chemical made to mimic the properties of human hair or it is a product that has been derived from animals. Keratin is found throughout the animal kingdom in wool, horns, feathers, claws and hooves. It is from these sources that most keratin hair product manufacturers synthesise their keratin. So whilst you may believe that you are buying something that closely resembles or imitates human hair, you are more than likely buying animal products.Synthesising keratin from animal parts makes keratin an ‘animal protein’ which means it naturally contains a large amount of bacteria. In order to turn the animal protein into a safe cosmetic product, significant amounts of bactericides and preservatives are required. Adding more chemicals.In addition, keratin is water soluble and when you shake some keratin hair fibres into a glass of water you will see the water turn instantly green. This is because the fibre cannot hold the colour when in contact with liquids. This is why some people report that keratin fibres turn green in the sun and in sweat.
Next what does "made from 100% natural cotton" mean when it comes to hair fibres? It means it is made from 100% natural cotton fibres - found in nature and from plants. As you know, cotton is colour fast and no dyes or colours run from hair fibres made from cotton.
But hang on, what's the difference between this and spray-on hair we hear you ask? Good question. Spray-on hair is also known as hair fibres or hair building fibres. There is a full explanation of spray-on hair here.