We love Nadal on the tennis court and we can’t wait to watch him in the US Open coming up soon.
But in Hair Loss Awareness Month, it’s his hair (or rather his hair loss) we are interested in.
Nadal hasn't been shy about his hair loss either. The former Tennis world number one had a successful hair transplant back in 2016.
He underwent a FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) in his native Madrid, Spain.
Like many men the world over though, the transplant is only great for a few short years. Hair transplants do not cure baldness and do not stop hair from continuing to be lost.
Once of the main problems with hair transplants is that the most common place for the transplant implant site is the front. The hair behind the transplant continues to thin out and suddenly you have a very unusual looking hair loss pattern.
Most men in this situation resort to Nut Job Hair Thickening Fibres.
The red carpet at the Logies this year was full of guys using Nut Job Hair Fibres. (Unfortunately, we can’t tell you who they were as we’re sworn to secrecy).
What we can tell you though is that Nadal is going to have to join the Hair Fibre Club pretty soon unless he goes in for another transplant.
Hair transplant surgery is the most expensive hair loss cure there is and for many men, the cost is worth it. But for so many men who visit hair loss surgery clinics, the cost is prohibitive and especially if the result is only short-lived.
Whether you are on the world stage, the local pub, or maybe you are thinking about a hair transplant, Nut Job Hair Thickening Fibres will give you that added red carpet confidence. No one will know. Check out what some Nut Job users have to say themselves.
No. Nut Job Hair Thickening Fibres are completely invisible once they are in! That’s why so many men walk the red carpet wearing them.
Wash and dry your hair as usual. Once dry, shake in the hair fibres. Once applied you can move your hair around into position, although we recommend styling your hair before applying Nut Job Hair Thickening Fibres
Nope. Nut Job is a cotton hair fibre product which has super cling properties. Nut Job Hair Fibres stay in in high wind, sleep, while playing sport (like tennis for Nadal) and when in light rain.
Simply wash out and reapply to clean dry hair
Cotton Fibres like Nut Job Hair Thickening Fibres do not have any side effects. But you can read the full story here.
You can try Nut Job Hair Thickening Fibres for yourself with free shipping. Just use the code USOPEN19 to get free express post. Nothing to lose! Give it a try today. Click here to shop with free shipping discount.