Below you will find the killer trick that thousands of Aussie guys and just about EVERY SINGLE TV personality*, is using to sport thicker hair these days. But if you are follically challenged, then you should read thoroughly and take note of every one of these...
* we know because they are our customers (sshhh!)
- Keep it clean. Seems to be a broadly believed myth that washing your hair will cause it to fall out. Not so! And clean hair looks thicker than dirty hair. Try a chemical free shampoo and avoid anti-dandruff shampoos – unless you really do have dandruff. A flaky scalp is caused by dry skin and that’s bad for hair quality. If your scalp is dry, give your head a conditioning massage.
- Resist the temptation to rub it dry! Either get hold of a microfibre towel designed to soak up moisture or let your hair air-dry after washing. Wet hair is extremely stretchy and brittle.
- It’s not just a chick thing! Use a hair dryer! Chicks use the good ol’ hair dryer to create volume, so why not us guys too?
- If a hair dryer’s not your thing then run your fingers through your wet hair to style it. Avoid brushing and combing wet hair if you can, or if you must, be extremely gentle. Pulling on wet hair and causing electrostatic flighty strands on dry hair has a thinning effect.
- Use volumising mousses and styling products, believe it or not, some of those babies really work! Bit of trial and error for us guys, but well worth mastering the art.
- Rock the up-do. Using styling products to push your hair up gives the impression of more hair than the regular parted style.
- Protect your noggin from the sun. Seems pretty darn obvious, but sunburn to both your scalp, and therefore your delicate follicles as well as to your hair can all end in diminished strands!
- Ditch the ciggies! There’s lots of research that shows that smoking contributes to hair loss in several ways. If you needed another reason to give up – then this is it!
- Get a professional haircut. Don’t let your girlfriend or your mum anywhere near your hair unless she’s qualified. Nothing looks worse than a bad cut. Hair stylists know how to get the most out of what you’ve got
- Here's the killer trick: Shake in some cotton hair fibres. These clingy micro fibres just slot right in and provide instanlyt thicker hair. We recommend Nut Job 100% natural fibres. They have the benefit of the latest technology. Most other brands out there are made from keratin, which is 30 year old hair fibre technology.
Before and after applying Nut Job - just a few seconds later. Want to see this guy applying it? There's a video of it on this page, plus some brief info...